Recently, two employees of Liaoning Zhongwang Group were awarded the title of “Liaoyang Merit Talent”. Zhang Rui, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Labor Union and Deputy General Manager, was awarded the title of “Liaoyang Top Ten Management Elite” while Gai Hongtao, Head of the Research Centre and a senior engineer, was conferred the title of “Liaoyang Top Ten Technological Innovator”.
The “Liaoyang Merit Talent” award was comprised of four titles including the title of “Top Ten Management Elite”, “Top Ten Technological Innovator”, “Top Ten Entrepreneur Star” and “Top Ten Skill Master”. Organized under the “Notice on ‘Liaoyang Merit Talent’ Award” (Liao Shi Zheng Ban Fa [2015] No. 52) by the Liaoyang municipal government office, this award aims at further encouraging outstanding talents to make significant contribution to economic growth and social development of the city, creating a great atmosphere for startups and innovation.
Since last October, the judges had been evaluating the candidates in terms of their performance in corporate operation management and technological innovation in accordance with the procedures. The result is available to the public and is subject to public supervision to ensure its fairness and authority.
These two employees of Zhongwang Group received high praise for their excellent performance. Since its establishment, Zhongwang Group has been paying great attention to talent introduction and nurturing. The strategy of combining talent development with company growth in pursuit of sustainable development adopted by Zhongwang Group will enhance its employees’ collaboration ability, execution ability, innovation ability as well as professional skills, securing their career development in the long run.