
Tianjin Zhongwang Passes DNV and NK Accreditation

Time:06 March 2017 Font size
On February 21, Tianjin Zhongwang passed the accreditation from Det Norske Veritas (DNV), one of the world's leading classification societies. The Company also passed the accreditation from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) recently.  
In June 2015, the System Department and R&D Center started preparation work for the DNV and NK accreditation. In 2016, assessors from DNV and NK conducted on-site audit in Tianjin Zhongwang on product traceability, quality, performance and production procedures. After that, the assessors granted their full affirmation on the product quality and production control of Tianjin Zhongwang. 
The shipbuilding industry involves manufacturing of major equipment with high risk, therefore International Association of Classification Society (IACS) has set regulations of high entry barrier and quality requirements on manufacturer and upstream suppliers, as well as strict standards on product test and certificate requirements. As the world's leading professional risk management agencies, DNV and NK are internationally well recognized for their strict testing on certificate holders. 
 "The vessel products from Tianjin Zhongwang received the accreditation from DNV and NK, thus enables the products to enter the market. As a result, the Company's brand will be more recognized in international vessel industry, improving our reputation at the same time", said Tianjin Zhongwang staff.